Friday, July 28, 2006

Nerds Gone Wild (Vol 1)

We all love eBay. Who doesn't? And now we all live in a Bloggy wonderland of RSS feeds the notion of using an RSS reader to collate all the crap we want to fill our lives with has ceased to be weird, scary and dangerously new. So it was with a particularly nerdy delight that I discovered today that eBay will automagically generate an RSS feed for any search term you put in. Any time an item is added to eBay that fits your search terms it'll generate an article to be put into your RSS feed. How cool is that?

There's always a couple of things I'd like to bid on if they start at the right price and now I don't have to go and religiously check eBay every day to see if something's been added. This pleases me. Probably more than it should to be honest, but then I'm an unashamed geek and when bits of technology just work like this it makes the world a slightly better place to be.

So if someone could put an Apple Newton, an Ibanez Low-Pro locking tremolo and a pair of Quad 11L loudspeakers for ridiculously little money on the eBays I'd be even happier.


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