Saturday, March 03, 2007

Sorry Excuse For a Post

Well it's been mostly a week of work only again. I did get to see "Bat For Lashes" at their ULU gig on Wednesday which was welcome respite from HPatOotP. They were fantastic, probably even better than at Green Man. Their obvious talent was thrown into sharp relief by the whiny, generic indie bands that supported them. But the wonderful women of BfL were awesome, weird and multi-instrumental, charming and pleasingly eccentric.

I've also discovered this week that the bike I've been toying with getting can have a front brake fitted (my only major quibble) so once I'm done on this project I may be sorting myself out a new single-speed fixie steed.

And that, dear reader, is all there is to tell. As I've said before, once I have a life again I'll have things to say. I'd write more about the film but we're under also sorts of draconian Warner Brothers' NDAs so I cannot say ought yet.

Happy weekends to one and all; I have more visual effecting to do. In an hour I can have another Lemsip to deal with the cold that has finally caught up with me. That is the highlight of my evening I think.

*plays world's smallest violin for self*

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