Return From the Back of Beyond.
Next year I am going to pray no-one gets me books or booze as I nearly pulled my arms out of their sockets carrying my bag o' schwag home from the rural hinterlands that my folks live in, and that is after I had carefully selected small and light presents to give to the folks. It is not for nothing that I got my sister magazine subscriptions - I am not, as it may appear, as stupid as I look.
I think for the next few days I shall do some work on the short film idea I have been playing about with, with luck and a good head wind it could be done by February. I have decided (though not in a New Year's Resoluion way) to try do more creative work of my own again. It's been a long time since I made anything for me and since I am single again, now would be the time to do it. Fire up the new fancy lapdog and let's see what she's made of... Full steam ahead.