Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Crackers

Lonely Christmas Crackers, originally uploaded by Mr Atrocity.

I saw these slightly lonely looking crackers whilst going for a walk and thought they were a little incongruous but interesting so I took a photo.

I am about half way through the work I want to do on my other "real world" web site and I'm hoping to have the rest done by early January. Then I should be able to spend some time here again.

If you're celebrating anything over the coming days I hope you're able to do it in style and I'll see you all in 2009 with luck.

Mr A.

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Monday, December 01, 2008

Closed - For Now

Closed - HDR, originally uploaded by idg.

Well, I've been putting this off for quite a while but push has now come to shove and I'm going to have to spend some time updating my "real life" website as well as work-related issues that must be dealt with. That means that for the time being I shan't be around here much and posts will be very thin on the ground. I'll try to get back into the habit of blogging come the New Year and if I can't help myself ,I'll write, just don't hold your breath for it.

If you have an RSS reader, and if you have Gmail account you already do, then perhaps you might subscribe to the blog? That way if and when anything gets posted it will come to you rather than you having to stop by here and be disappointed by the lack of updates. Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon, I hope.
